To attain optimum production and self-sufficiency in the livestock, poultry and dairy sector through the timely provision of technical and material assistance, and the introduction of technological innovations.

 Duties and Functions

  • Develop plans & strategies on Veterinary – Related activities & implement them upon approval thereof by the governor.
  • Enforce all laws and regulations for the prevention of cruelty to animals.
  • Take necessary measures to eradicate, prevent or cure all forms of animal diseases.
  • Be in the front line of veterinary related activities, such as in situations resulting in the depletion of animals for work & human consumption particularly those arising from the after-math of man-made & nature calamities and disasters.
  • Promotes animal health & welfare.
  • Adopt measures that would prevent entry of exotic communicable animal diseases.
  • Prevents, control contamination & eradication of communicable animal diseases.
  • Institutes quarantine inspection system for inter-provincial movement of animals.
  • Collects, monitor, analyze & disseminate information on livestock, poultry, eggs, animal products and by-products campaign for the establishment of livestock auction market & slaughterhouse.
  • Supervision & inspection of all existing slaughterhouses & dressing plants in the province. Assist in the establishment & accreditation of slaughterhouse.


A province secured in its food requirement through a disease-free and self-sufficient livestock and poultry industry.