PAGLAUM Women’s Congress (Cluster 4) bringing the same theme, convened at the Gymnasium of Gingoog City Comprehensive High School, welcoming participants from Medina, Gingoog City, and Magsaysay. The event featured the distribution of cash prizes, appliances, and 2,000 3-kilo rice bags to all attendees and participants through raffle draws. The appliances we distribute includes 20 electric kettles, 15 electric fans, 10 rice cookers, and 5 television sets.
A dance competition added excitement to the gathering, with Gingoog City emerging as the champion, receiving 30,000 pesos and a plaque. Medina secured the first place, earning 25,000 pesos and a plaque, while Magsaysay claimed the second spot, awarded 15,000 pesos and a plaque.
In addition to the event highlights, Speaker Romualdez and TINGOG Partylist generously provided 5,000 cash to each and every attendee of the Women’s Congress, further enhancing the support and empowerment extended to the participants.