Ensuring infrastructure development for a continued development in the province, we joined the Mindanao Railway Project – Multi-Criteria Analysis Consultation Meeting organized by the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) together with Local Chief Executives of the province. The consultation was designed to gather a comprehensive assessment that would be optimal in the railway alignment that I proposed to connect Laguindingan, Alubijid, El Salvador, Opol, Cagayan de Oro, Tagoloan and Villanueva. Presented in the meeting were alignment options for the Railway Project which is a priority Infrastructure project of the Build Better More Program and the Philippine Development Plan of the National Government.
Together, with the National Government and Agencies, Local Government Units and Stakeholders, will create a better living opportunities for every Filipino most especially Misamisnons where everyone supports our shared responsibilities for a more livable and poverty-free Misamis Oriental.