We are delighted to join the Reorganization Meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee for Metro Cagayan de Misamis (CDM) organized by the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) where Local Chief Executives (LCEs) of the cities and municipalities that will be included in Metro CDM gather to discuss the process of the metropolization of CDM.
We congratulate the newly elected Chairman for the Ad Hoc Committee for Metro CDM in the person of Cagayan de Oro City Mayor Hon. Rolando “Klarex” Uy. Similarly, we congratulate the elected officers which include Oro Chamber’s President Dr. Jesus Jardin as the Co-Chairman; Opol Municipal Mayor Hon. Jayfrancis Bago as Vice-Chair for LCEs; and NEDA Regional Director Myla Faye Cariño as Vice-Chair for Government Agencies.
Our unwavering commitment as we stand together ensures a brighter future for Cagayan de Oro and Misamis Oriental as we envision a Metro CDM which will be the gateway to Mindanao and a gateway to International Trading Center to alleviate poverty for every Kagay-anons and Misamisnons.